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Eye of the Storm CBQuestIcon
Informações da Quest
Difícil Dificuldade
Difficulty {{{difficulty}}}
Localização Lexdale
Province [[{{{province}}}]]
Nível 72
Prêmio As follows:


Eye of the Storm é uma difícil nível 72 quest, inciada em Lexdale.


Ela se resume ao jogador encontrar Arwes, que diz que uma misteriosa mão gigante apareceu de um portal mágico, e que persegue a ajuda do jogador para apagar essa existência demoníaca de Gavel.

Etapa 1[]

» Fale com Arwes na catedral arruinada.

 Location   Lexdale   X   -683  Y     Z   -5347  Wynncraft Map 


  • Arwes: Bem vindo, cansado aventureiro. A casa de Talor... Ou o que sobrou dela.
  • Arwes: Como você pode ver, tempos estão difíceis na foresta, especialmente aqui no oeste.
  • Arwes: Muitos poucos ficaram nessa igreja. Eu, o bom Pastor Nitram, e claro, o velho Golie aqui.
  • Arwes: Esse costumava ser um próspero santuário, mas todos os meus irmãos se viraram a escuridão.
  • Arwes: Eles acham que nossos deuses nos abandonaram e que a ruína é nossa punição. Agora eles veneram demônios, de todos.
  • Arwes: É de partir o coração ver pessoas tão boas virarem essa depravação. Assasinato, sacrifício, opressão dos oprimidos...
  • ???: Me deixe ir! Eu sou muito jovem, você não pode me jogar assim. Por fa-favor! ALGUÉM ME AJUDE!
  • Arwes: O que?! Esse pareceu o... ah deuses não, outro sacrifício? Até o forte Talos...
  • Arwes: Por favor, humano. Eu escutei sobre muitos atos nobres de seu povo, por favor ajude a salvar Talos! Parecia que ele estava sendo levado para a cripta noroeste...

Etapa 2[]

» Procure nas ruínas para encontrar os cultistas.

 X   -714  Y     Z   -5385  Wynncraft Map 


  • ???: Por favor, NÃO! Não faça isso!
  • ???: Um humano! Ah, me ajude por favor! Eles vão tentar me alimentar para um cão infernal!

» Encontre Talos na cripta.

» Mate o cão infernal e liberte Talos.

  • Talos: Essa é a força que eu esperaria de vocês humanos! Muito obrigado! Se você pudesse me soltar aqui...
  • Talos: Ah, assim! Esses três luocos me atacaram enquanto eu estava dormindo, então eu não consegui me controlar. Eles roubaram tudo que eu tinha!
  • Talos: Aha, agora que seu pequeno cão de caça não irá me comer, me devolva meu-
  • Talos: Espera, tem... só tem outros dois... Eu tinha certeza que tinham três mais cedo. O terceiro saiu correndo com minhas coisas?! Me diga! Agora!
  • ???: Sim, caçador de tesouros idiota. Somente uma coisa... mas é tudo que nós precisaremos. É mais que suficiente. O resto serve, mas uma boa oferta ao nosso senhor...
  • Talos: Err, eles deveriam trancar vocês malucos naquela terrível prisão. Bem, seja qual for o caso, Arwes estava na igreja?
  • Talos: Ele provavelmente estava muito preocupado sobre nós. Você pode dizer que estamos bem. Mesmo sem nada eu consigo me defender desse malucos.

Etapa 3[]

» Volte ao Arwes na catedral.


  • Arwes: Ah, graças a Deus você está salvo. Eu nunca soube que meus irmão eram fortes o suficiente para pegar alguém difícil como Talos.
  • Arwes: Agora, eu não pediria para alguém esse favor, mas já que você já mostrou ser capaz...
  • Arwes: E eu verdadeiramente não tenho mais ninguém para me virar. Eu tenho que pedir sua ajuda mais uma vez.
  • Arwes: A robed figure... I did not see their face, but they brandished a dark artifact. Apparently, stolen from Talos' treasures...
  • Arwes: They called it the [Eye of Blood]. Such a perverse, twisted aura... I nearly passed out on the spot. Who knows what they could do with it...
  • Arwes: They probably took it to the town they currently occupy, Lexdale. They have turned it into their own personal playground, with no regard for the people within.
  • Arwes: I cannot even so much as help them. The dark cult has completely blocked the town off from outsiders... And yet, the people of Cinfras don't even as much as bat an eye...
  • Arwes: But this is no time for grievances. You must retrieve the [Eye of Blood]. An old friend of mine, Ceyquin, might help you. You will have to sneak into Lexdale, though...

Stage 4[]

» Talk to Ceyquin in Lexdale.

 Location   Lexdale   X   -611  Y     Z   -5458  Wynncraft Map 


  • Ceyquin: What- A...A human? In Lexdale?! How did you get in, do you have a death wish?!
  • Ceyquin: Uh! I mean... P-praise our new lord, th-the great and terrible Naragath!
  • Ceyquin: Ugh...you're welcome, I brought us a few more minutes. those cultists have eyes and ears everywhere in my town anymore...
  • Ceyquin: Ther're trying to summon that Naragath character, whatever it is...some kind of demon, I suppose. They say if we obey them, he'll spare us.
  • Ceyquin: I want to stop them, but it's hopeless. They've already killed many dissenters just on their own, but I think they really can summon this demon.
  • Ceyquin: Just look to the north, you see that giant hand? They summoned it. As if the decay wasn't bad enough already, that looks completely different, and even worse!
  • Ceyquin: You don't believe me? Go inside my house and up to the highest balcony. You'll have a clear view of the pit from up there. Take a good long look at what you're up against!

Stage 5[]

» Climb to the balcony in Ceyquin's house.

  • A massive corrupted pit is visible in the distance, to the north-east. A similarly huge dark hand seems to be sprounting from within it. It strains your mind to view...

Stage 6[]

» Return to Ceyquin.


  • Ceyquin: N-no, nothing to hide! I wouldn't dream of barboring a dissident in my humble home!
  • Ceyquin: Phew...if you came out even a second earlier we'd both be dead on the spot! Anyway, do you see what you're up against now?
  • Ceyquin: I'd quicker try and kill Ozoth barehanded and bloody-knuckled than see the body attached to Naragath's hand there.
  • Ceyquin: If you really think can you help, you certainly won't be able to from here. The cultists have this town in a stranglehold.
  • Ceyquin: There is a wizard who sometimes sneaks in food for us...though, if he can't defeat them on his own, I don't know how much he could help you.
  • Ceyquin: Well...whatever the case, you'll want to go to the hill next to the hand. I think the house near to it is Rismor's.
  • Ceyquin: You can use the secret exit I've got in my basement to leave. Be quiet when you sneak in there. I'll make sure no one sees you.

Stage 7[]

» Enter the tunnel under Ceyquin's house.


  • Ceyquin: W-what? They...they knew about the tunnel?! I have to warn the human- N-no! They already jumped down! Oh no...

Stage 8[]

» Escape through the cavern and find Rismor in his house.

 X   -472  Y   66  Z   -5536  Wynncraft Map 
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to solving the red-block puzzles.
The answers for the red-block puzzles are:
  • Stage 1: Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up
  • Stage 2: Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Up
  • Stage 3: Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up


  • Rismor: And STAY out of my home, you damn fool cultists! Can't you see that thing will just burn our world if you manage to summon it?!
  • Rismor: Oh, I wasn't talking to you, human. Those foolhardy cultists just broke into my house. I repelled them, though. So, what brings-
  • A massive tremor suddenly rocks the hill, and a wave of despair washes over you. This feels somehow familiar...
  • Rismor: Ugh, no, no, no! They're advancing further with the summoning! This can't have been my scroll, they only just left! How did they get this far so quickly?
  • Rismor: The...what now? The eye...the [Eye of Blood]?! A corrupted summoning item...this gives us no time at all! I need to figure something out now!
  • Rismor: Wait...what am I saying, there's a human in my house! You're known for helping those in need, right? Well, there's a lot on your shoulders today.
  • Rismor: Your heard me shout it earlier, it those idiots summon Naragath he could ravage the entire province! You see the giant hand, we'd be powerless to stop him!
  • Rismor: I'd send you straight in, but the Pit of Despair here...not only does it emanate hopelessness just of its own accord, but the newfound corruptive energies of the eye will overwhelm your mind.
  • Rismor: I'd cast a spell of protection on you, but those cultists are smart. They stole my wands and all my spell scrolls too. You'll have to get it back for me.
  • Rismor: They ran off towards their "Blood Oak", a tree they once used for sacrifices before they took the church crypts. It's just south of here. Pursue them!
  • Rismor: Go, now! Go into the Pit of Despair, and meet Harker at the bottom. Our time is running short!

Stage 9[]

» Find the Guardian and the ancient blood oak, south of Rismor's house.

 X   -461  Y     Z   -5397  Wynncraft Map 


  • The Guardian: Intruder! Leave now, and be unharmed. Walk further, and face your end, at my hands!

Stage 10[]

» Kill the Guardian and bring back the Lost Spell Scroll to Rismor.


  • Rismor: I saw your fight. Did the acclyte there have the scroll?
  • Rismor: Thank goodness. If they'd run farther we would have certainly run out of time. We should consider ourselves lucky they decided to hold their ground.
  • Rismor: Not a second to waste, hand the scroll here and I'll read the incantation.
  • Rismor: Ballreth Illi’dan Coropleth!
  • A warming comfort suddenly washes over your body. The despair filing the air before seems distant now.
  • Rismor: Alright, you should be able to enter the pit safely now. Expect to be attacked. Hopefully my agent is still doing fine...
  • Rismor: His name is Harker. I sent him in a while ago to spy on the Order and sabotage their rituals. He's a fairly powerful magic user in of himself.
  • Rismor: I'll attempt to contact him via magic to tell him to expect you. I can't guarantee anything, but even if i can't contact him, he should know a human wouldn't be helping the Order.
  • Rismor: Now, get going, now! Into the Pit of Despair! You've not a moment to waste here.

Stage 11[]

» Enter the Pit of Despair.

Stage 12[]

» Find a passage deeper into the Pit.


  • Harker: Phew...a friendly face. Come here, human. I need to talk to you quickly.

Stage 13[]

» Talk to Harker.


  • Harker: Well first off, I'm impressed. You look relatively unscathed.
  • Harker: I can't say I was so lucky. I was found out when I tried to steal the Eye from them. I'm rather crippled right now.
  • Harker: Nothing lethal, but I'll not be able to help you fight.
  • Harker: I can still use the magic Rismor taught me, so I can help you stop the ritual. The cultists have already begun.
  • Harker: They're performing the ritual in the next chamber. I'll take a shortcut there. We need to stop the ritual before they complete it!

Stage 14[]

» Enter the ritual chamber.


  • Naragath: Hsehehehh... I thank you, my loyal servants. This form will be a fine magic vessel... And with it, this world will be my own plaything, just as the other!

Stage 15[]

» Talk to Harker.


  • Harker: Gahh...how powerful is this thing?! Even just newly summoned...that force nearly knocked me out right here!
  • Harker: We can't afford to let him get any stronger... but conventional magic won't work on him! Your attacks will be useless.
  • Harker: We'll need to turn his own strength against him. Rismor taught me how to invert magical energy.
  • Harker: If you kill the cultists at the altar and get 5 Icons of Naragath, I should be able to weaken the demon enough for you to kill him! Now hurry!

Stage 16[]

» Approach Naragath's Altar.


  • Hierophants: Llid a adfail, ei ryddhau oddi wrth eich carchar marwol... gadewch affwys hwn a dod anhrefn i'r byd hwn pechadurus...

Stage 17[]

» Collect 5 Icons of Naragath from the Hierophants and give them to Harker.


  • Harker: Quick, give the Icons to me, I'll begin the spell…
  • Harker: Belrath Mellanon sinthos!
  • Harker: Okay, it should be working. Go! Quickly, lead him deeper into the cave. You must defeat him!

Stage 18[]

» Travel deeper into the cave.


  • Naragath: I will give credit where it is due. You are smart, "heroes". But how do you expect to destroy one who has twisted very realms to his will? Surrender now and I will consider sparing you!

Stage 19[]

» Talk to Harker.


  • Harker: Urgh... all this running around and magic casting... I don't know how long I'll be able to keep him weakened.
  • Harker: Even still, he's incredibly powerful, and I know exactly why.
  • Harker: The Eye of Blood is tying him to this plain of existence, if you can separate it from him, I think I could manage to banish him!.
  • Harker: I am still weak, so you will need to fight the demon on your own. Defeat him and bring me the Eye of Blood. We've made it this far, now let's end this!
  • Naragath: Hah. Do not delude yourselves! Your wills are bending to mine as we speak. You will learn your place soon enough, peons. Come! Dare to challenge me! Perhaps the flames of oblivion will comfort you!

Stage 20[]

» Kill Naragath and give the Eye of Blood to Harker.


  • Harker: The Eye! You did it!
  • Harker: For as much as I want to say this went well, his talk wasn't just bluster. I was close to breaking... it's a good thing you knocked the Eye away from him when you did.
  • Harker: Now that his influence is gone though, I feel rather invigorated. I'll try and teleport you back to the surface.
  • Harker: Don't worry about me. Even if I'm killed down here, the rest of Gavel will be safe if you get out safely.
  • Harker: Here. Take the Eye of Blood and bring it to Rismor on the surface. He should know how to keep it locked up tightly.

Stage 21[]

» Leave the Pit of Despair.

Stage 22[]

» Give the Eye of Blood to Rismor.


  • Rismor: I'm at loss for words. I didn't expect you to survive.
  • Rismor: The hand started moving even further after you went down. I had to step outside and attempt to freeze it myself. I thought you had died for sure, and that Naragath had been summoned!
  • Rismor: But, just a few minutes before you came back, it suddenly stopped. It seems to be frozen like that now. It'd be better if it had disappeared, but this is preferable to an apocalypse.
  • Rismor: The cultists suddenly panicked when the hand petreated of its own accord as it did. Most of them seem to have left Lexdale.
  • Rismor: So not only have you personally saved the town, but potentially all of Gavel with your actions.
  • Rismor: For now, I will hide the Eye of Blood and make sure no one touches it ever again. And I will be sure to keep an eye on the remaining cultists.
  • Rismor: The people of Lexdale will be able to live again. Thanks to you.
  • Rismor: Farewell, adventurer. I do hope we may meet again, under better circumstances.I can only pray that this is the last we will clash with those from the realm of darkness.


  • Multiple NPCs of this quest have a name which is an anagram of characters from the book Dracula. Arwes makes Dr. Seward, Ceyquin and Rismor together form Quincey Morris, and Harker is the surname of Jonathan Harker.