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Enter the Dojo CBQuestIcon
Quest Info
Length Long
Difficulty Hard
Location Sakura Dojo
Province Gavel
Combat Level 89
Starter NPC Sensei Miyagi
Reward As follows:

Enter The Dojo is a long level 89 quest which occurs in the Sakura Dojo.


Sensei Miyagi is looking for a successor to his position as the Sensei of the Sakura Dojo.

Stage 1[]

» Talk to Sensei Miyagi at [495, 109, -5571].


  • Sensei Miyagi: Oh hohoho! So a human has found their way to my humble dojo? Intriguing! I am called Sensei Miyagi. I welcome you.
  • Sensei Miyagi: This dojo- I have dedicated to honing skills in all of the arts- from mental prowess and mental acuity, to craftsmanship and artistry.
  • Sensei Miyagi: Many have come- traveled from all corners of the earth to this humble one's dojo to train themselves and grow stronger. I am to presume you are the same?
  • Sensei Miyagi: Although, while I have enjoyed my life's work here, I cannot deny I am getting on in years. I seek a successor, a master of many skills to take my place.
  • Sensei Miyagi: To the one who should master the arts, I would bequeath the Master's Gi, a symbol of resolute skill. Of course, do not feel pressured to take over for me, hoho!
  • Sensei Miyagi: As long as I may teach others and bring them to new heights, I am satisfied. Whether your aim be merely to sharpen your skills or to allow me to retire, you are welcomed.
  • Sensei Miyagi: When you are ready to being, purify yourself in the waters of the spring behind the dojo, and I will guide you to your first challenge.

Stage 2[]

» Jump down the water pit to begin the challenges.

Stage 3[]

» Ascend the Lufar Room in the physical strength challenge.


  • Sensei Miyagi: Here we are then- The Lufar Room. Here tests your agility! Even these old bones can scale this room in short order- how shall you fare?

The Lufar Room is a parkour challenge. There are two checkpoints on your way up, signified by the yellow color. However, the blue logs will fall after standing on them for too long.

Stage 4[]

» Fight your way through the Fiata Room in the combat challenge.


  • Sensei Miyagi: I recognize your skill, and you have passed the challenge of the Lufar Room! Hoho, but the next challenge has defeated many an apprentice.
  • Sensei Miyagi: Now, comes the Fiata Room! Here, your combat prowess shall be put to the test. Martial skill comes easily to me...but what of your own?
  • Sensei Miyagi: I hear many things about human combat skill, so I believe I shall watch this challenger myself. Enter now, challenger!
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AnimatedTrainingDummy Animated Training Dummy 90 13250 Melee Charge ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
✤ Def
KangarooRoomToken Fiata Room Token Sakura Dojo
ArmoredTrainingDummy Armored Training Dummy 95 23250 Charge Knockback Immune
✹ Dam
✦ Def
KangarooRoomToken Fiata Room Token Sakura Dojo
AssassinTrainingDummy Assassin Training Dummy 95 7500 Melee Blindness Immune
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
❋ Def
KangarooRoomToken Fiata Room Token Sakura Dojo

Stage 5[]

» Solve the puzzle of sight in the Cliste Room in the sight challenge.


  • Sensei Miyagi: And I am to recognize your combat skill, and to proclaim your passage of the Fiata Room. Well done!
  • Sensei Miyagi: Next, however, is not a challenge of physical skill, but of observation and logical reasoning, in this- the Cliste Room. Here, a puzzle awaits.
  • Sensei Miyagi: You must discern the path in order to bring the red block to the gold block. Simple in theory...complex in practice, as there are many things.
  • Sensei Miyagi: Remember this as you work- Change your perspective, and the reality changes.
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Puzzle Solution.


Stage 6[]

» Become at one with nature in the Sitheach Room and Cavern.


  • Sensei Miyagi: And there, I recognize your mental acuity! You have passed the Cliste Room. You are doing quite well, but many have gotten to this point and had a single point stymie them.
  • Sensei Miyagi: Welcome then, to the last challenge I offer you, held within the Sitheach Room and cavern.
  • Sensei Miyagi: Your task here, is to become tranquil, and at peace with nature. What that entails... I leave up to you.
  • Sensei Miyagi: There are many paths to tranquility. Whatever you choose, you will know when you have reached the point of success.

Inside the Room, there is a scroll library to the left, and a mixing pot to the left.

Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to contents of the scroll library.

Inspiration from Ancient Tales (-16045, 20770):

  • In founding this dojo, I was inspired by many a tale. I was many a time scoffed at by others, for taking stock in the legends of old...
  • And yet the results speak for themselves. As of the time writing this, being 997 AP, I am 76 years old.
  • Despite this, I am still in great health! Surely the years are catching up to me, but many I know are far less able by the same age.
  • By following the old ways, I have prospered and allow others to prosper in kind. By looking to the past, I am preparing myself for the future.
  • Many forget the power one's body can rise to, thanks to the prevalence of magical practices. Although magical knowledge is itself important, and I am guilty of neglecting it myself.
  • But the tales and practices of ancient warriors and kings, such as Remikas, or even modern soldiers such as Tisaun Sodeta, have great value.
  • Here, I will tell of what tales have brought me my wisdom, my power, and my health, and pass that knowledge onto you, dear reader.
  • ...though this is a fascinating read, you're already going through a lot of what is described in the book, and it hasn't brought you tranquility.

Guide to Meditation (-16050, 20770):

  • To meditate is to remove all distractions, and to peacefully introspect- to be at one with yourself and anchor yourself to the moment, or merely to relax.
  • It is highly recommended for anyone experiencing stress or a clouded mind. Here will be detailed the basic steps for practicing meditation.
  • First, find a quiet, comfortable place. Someplace that you feel safe in, and where you will not be interrupted by outside influences.
  • If you are first beginning, set an hourglass or a clock alarm for a short time. Ten or fifteen minutes will do. Even short sessions can help.
  • Next, sit down. The traditional position is to sit cross-legged with hands in the lap, but so long as you are comfortable, any position works.
  • Once you have found a comfortable spot, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Breathe in deeply, hold for a few seconds, breathe out, and hold for the same amount.
  • Focus on the sensation of your breathing, and on only the sensation of your breathing. If your mind wanders, do not fret- simply return your attention to your breath.
  • When you feel ready to rise, or when your time ends, slowly open your eyes and notice your environment- the sights and sounds, and the feeling of your body.
  • Although there are more complex and involved methods of meditation, they are not necessary- Now that you have read this, try it yourself when you have a spare moment.
  • ...this seems promising. Carefully, you settle down, and close your eyes.
  • ...breathe in...
  • ...
  • ...breathe out...
  • ...
  • ...breathe in...
  • ...
  • ...you can't focus. Your mind is wandering too many directions at once. Unfortunate, but it's worth remembering anyways.

Scroll of Martial Stances (-16053, 20769):

  • When fighting unarmed or with weapons such as knuckles, katars, or gauntlets, one's stance is paramount in fighting an opponent.
  • The way one is positioned can ground the body, allowing for blows to be taken with less consequence, or allow one to be light enough to evade attack.
  • All combat of course must be learned through rigorous training- One cannot expect to become an expert simply by reading. Here are a handful of basic stances to practice.
  • The Forward Stance has legs placed broadly apart, the back leg outstretched fully and body upright. This is a firm stance to steady oneself.
  • The Back Stance has one foot in front of the other, with the back foot facing to the side and one's weight on the back leg. For evading attacks to the top of the body.
  • The Cat Stance has weight on the back foot, with legs bent and held close together and front foot resting on the heel. This allows easy preparation for strong front kicks.
  • The Crane Stance has one leg raised, the foot level with the other knee. Also used in preparation for kicking, as well as dodging a sweeping attack by the enemy.
  • ...while this is fascinating to read about, learning about combat stances seems too active to bring you tranquility.

Ancestry of Magical Arts (-16053, 20764):

  • Many a venerable mage has made their mark on history. There is a reason their names are repeated- we can learn much from what they have demonstrated.
  • This, unfortunately, applies for both positive and negative reasons. For instance, a lesson that has become law involves the use of soul-binding magic.
  • The upturn of necromantic practices ended in 294 AP, with the outlawing of the technique. Defiling the dead and preventing their spirits from moving on...
  • ...was considered a monstrous and unmoral practice. Keeping the spirit trapped, forced to obey orders, in a decaying body wracked with pain, is something that could not be abided by.
  • Since then, soul-binding is the most strictly punished brand of magic on all of Gavel, above demonic rites and even the necromancy that soul-binding was endemic within.
  • ...this is a very heavy read. Certainly not suitable for finding tranquility.

The Art of Brewing Tea (-16051, 20761):

  • To brew tea is a simple, meditative process that in itself has deep intricacies. We shall draw upon its heritage now.
  • Fresh, clean water is required. Bring it to a soft boil in a pot or cauldron, and then mix in herbs and ingredients to taste.
  • Harvesting ingredients freshly can add extra depth to the tea, although you can make fine tea from any ingredients, so long as they are not rotten.
  • It is best not to add too much to the tea, for too many conflicting tastes will leave it muddled and foul-tasting. Three ingredients is a fine benchmark.
  • Common ingredients include sugar, lemongrass, ginger root, chamomile, and lavender. Each has their own purpose for tea.
  • Sugar helps sweeten the bitterness of some brews, and balances the flavors to be mild. However, too much will leave the brew sickly and tacky.
  • The unique tang of lemongrass is lauded as a signature for green tea. The mild, lightly minty flavor is a perfect base for which to create a relaxing brew.
  • Although Ginger Root is bitingly bitter and inevitably overpowers other ingredients, it has potent medical effects which may help invigorate the sick.
  • Chamomile adds a pleasantly sweet, floral taste to a brew. The delicate flavor helps the body and mind relax- it is oft used as a sleep aid.
  • Lavender is similarly relaxing, but must be the focus of the brew. It must be steeped for a long while and is severely bitter, which causes it to drown out the other ingredients.
  • ...come to think of it, a cup of tea sounds like it would be quite nice, after all the hard training. Perhaps you should make a cup.

Home Relaxation Ideas (-16043, 20761):

  • While many people think that relaxation is out of reach with their busy schedules, the truth is there are many things you can do daily to wind down and take that little time.
  • For instance, caring for houseplants is a simple task. You can grow them from seeds or get them pre-bought, and caring for gardens is an easy way to relax, while also giving you a place to relax.
  • You can turn any room into a garden simply by getting planter pots, but for those who can't devote enough time to that, you could try caring for a bonsai tree instead.
  • They just need water, sunlight, and care by using garden shears to carefully cut the limbs of the tree. Shaping it like this is artful in itself, and has spiritual significance as well.
  • It requires focus in the moment, but not much time at all, meaning you can still simply set aside short time and be done. It also helps clean the air in the house as well!
  • Another easy way to relax is to set up a stone garden. You don't need a large amount of space to have one- even a small box will do. Fill it with gravel and smooth stones.
  • Use a small handheld rake to draw lines in the gravel in different patterns, each day. It's as simple as that- don't focus on making specific ones though, just draw whatever your hand draws.
  • Doing this can help draw focus away from stressful thoughts, and bring you back to the moment, while also being a fun conversation piece that's easy and cheap to set up.
  • ...those are nice thoughts, but unfortunately, there isn't a zen garden set up here, and you don't have a bonsai tree or garden shears handy.

Unlabeled Book (-16035, 20760):

  • ...hm? This isn't actually a book, it's a dossier. Did Miyagi leave this out by accident?
  • Seems to contain a number of trade agreements, between the Sakura Dojo and the Qira Hive.
  • It appears that recently, a large shipment of Hive silk has been received. There's no record of emerald payment.
  • A shipment of cherries and rice has been sent out at the same time- they must trade products directly.
  • Previous records show trades of metal salvage for cherry wood, and gifted shipments of tea leaves and ingredients.
  • ...there's a letter here, too. The script is very ornate...this is addressed from the Mistress of the Hive herself, only a few months ago.
  • "I hope this letter finds you well. I once again thank you for the trade. The caravans from Lake Gylia have been scarce recently, and your donations have kept the servants from going hungry."
  • "Although I would under most circumstances send a small party of my creations to run for supplies, it is a logistical and political nightmare I would just as soon avoid."
  • "I will provide remuneration for this in due time- certainly, I may spare a sum of emeralds if you wish it. You are trusted enough to write a blank check on this for, so you may name your price."
  • "Equally I am willing to offer extra salvage metal of top quality, or perhaps further silk or animant stones for your training dummies. Please write back quickly with your request."
  • "I plan to accompany the next caravan which will bring our recompensation, and I look forward to the visit. We may finally finish our set of Go yet."
  • "Regards, Mistress Qira"
Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to finding tranquility.
In the cavern, there will be five different nodes where you can harvest resources. Just outside the room to the right is a well where you can harvest water, in the flower beds by the Wild Cow will be some Lavender, the dead bushes will allow you to harvest Ginger Roots, the field of white flowers lets you get Chamomile, the field of grass by the Wild Sheep lets you get some Lemongrass, and the sugarcanes by the pond will let you harvest Sugar.

Once you have the ingredients necessary to brew tea, go to the cauldron to get the Cup of Tea of Tranquility.

NOTE: Tea that was brewed with all 5 ingredients won't trigger animal's dialogue. In order to progress you have to read the book about teamaking in the library then go to cauldron and start brewing. It will tell you that Lavender and Ginger shouldn't be used, so you will have to drop them before continuing.

  • With the tea brewed and the scent filling the room, you gently take a few sips.
  • The heat of the tea and the gently sweet, floral taste warms your throat and body. You feel more relaxed, but...not at peace with nature yet.
  • ...there were some animals wandering the cave. Making a small offering seems like the right way to go, and there's plenty of tea left...

After you have received the tea, give it to the Wild Cow, Sheep, or Pig in the cave.

  • The cow/sheep/pig raises its head to look at you. Its eyes flare at the sight of the green tea.
  • You gesture the tea generously towards the cow/sheep/pig, and place it on the ground for it to drink. The cow/sheep/pig nods respectfully towards you.
  • ...watching it drink from the cup as you did, there's a certain kinship you feel, and with that realization comes a feeling of peace.
  • You can't recall the last time you've felt this relaxed. You know for certain that you have mastered the challenge of tranquility. Time to leave.

Stage 7[]

» Exit the Sitheach cave through the tunnel near the temple.

  • That should be the challenge successfully cleared now. Time to tell Sensei Miyagi of your success.

Stage 8[]

» Speak to Sensei Miyagi.


  • Sensei Miyagi: I see it now. The troubled heart you came here with is troubled no longer. I recognize your mastery of the Sitheach Room.
  • Sensei Miyagi: Oh hoho... It is just like a human to do what cannot be done. That is each challenge of my humble dojo, completed!
  • Sensei Miyagi: So! While I did advise you not to feel pressured of it, I am curious, young master. Do you wish to take my place here, so I may sit these old bones down?
  • Sensei Miyagi: Ah, of course not. Despite your mastery, this is merely a single step on your journey. Needn't worry, I understand completely.
  • Sensei Miyagi: I am certain that I will find a suitable successor before my time comes- and equally as certain that I've many a year to go, hoho!
  • Sensei Miyagi: Nevertheless, you have completed the challenges of this humble Sensei, as such, I will provide you what was promised.
  • Sensei Miyagi: Wear this [Master's Gi] with pride, and remember this final lesson- There is never a point in life that you will stop learning. See the world and its lessons every day of your life, young master.


  • Sensei Miyagi is a reference to Karate Kid.
  • Each room's name is a word translated into Irish.
    • Lufar means Fast.
    • Fiata means Fierce.
    • Cliste means Clever.
    • Sitheach means Peace.
  • In the Sitheach Room, in the section with the brewing cauldron, there is a secret. Hidden behind the painting of roses at -15997, 20766, there is a small room with several barrels of materials, mainly green items, a fireplace, and a sign that says 'Sensei Miyagi only... no exceptions!'
  • This quest was updated in 2.0. It replaced Enter the Dojo (1.20).